Why I Chose Soul Pyre Gems As A Name

How many people can relate to this? 

You are here. You are living your life. You have a roof over your head. You own a car. You have a job that you wake up and go to every day. You have a cat or a dog or some other wonderful pet companion. You may or may not have children of your own, or maybe even nieces and nephews. You have a wonderful partner to share all of this with.
But something is missing..

There has to be something more..

There is something more. This something reaches deep down inside. This is the the beginning of what make you entirely you. 

The Word "Soul"

This was the beginning of my journey. To find out who I really am. To explore the spirituality inside of myself and to complete the puzzle which plagued me for years. I am not alone in this and if you are reading this you are not alone in this either.

Some people find their spirituality in God, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Wicca, Native American religions and African traditional religions. There are positives and strengths in all mentioned and also in many more that have not been mentioned. The basic fundamental of spirituality is the search of a deeper understanding of oneself and the world around them. This often involves questions about the meaning of life, the nature of reality, and the human condition.

It is a search for meaning, purpose, and connection, and a commitment to living in accordance with one's beliefs and values. It often involves practices that cultivate inner peace, wisdom, and compassion. It promotes a sense of unity with the divine, others and the natural world. At the center of this all is who we are down at the very core. It's our soul.

The Word "Pyre"

It is not well known where the origin of pyre's come from. The have been used throughout many different cultures throughout history as a part of funeral rites. These structures typically made of wood and constructed in the shape of a platform or a large pile of wood hold the body of the deceased on top. The pyre is then set on fire, and the flames consume the body, reducing it to ashes. It is the death of our old self.  It is out of these ashes that our soul emerges, our true selves.

The Word "Gem"

Typically when we hear the word gem, the image comes to mind of a dazzling diamond, elegant emeralds, tantalizing topaz or seductive sapphires. We consider gems to be rare, a masterpiece, a work of art that is highly regarded for its quality or excellence. Special value is placed upon what we consider to be a gem.


We are all gems. We all have our own value worthy of being called a gem. We all have our likes and dislikes, our interests, our talents, our knowledge, our wisdom and our experiences. This makes us who we truly are. Just as the phoenix rises from the ashes, we do as well. 


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